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  1. Iconoclast Films
Iconoclast is a venture management firm that seeks to spark social change by launching ambitious enterprises. Rooted in the democratic idea of “creative destruction,” we invest our time, resources and talents into ideas that upend industries. Iconoclast unites entrepreneurship with purpose, venture beyond capital.

The first Iconoclast persecution. The origin of the movement against the worship (for the use of this word see VENERATION OF IMAGES) of images has been much discussed. It has been represented as an effect of Moslem influence. To Moslems, any kind of picture, statue, or representation of the human form is an abominable idol. A person who attacks cherished beliefs, traditional institutions, etc., as being based on error or superstition. A breaker or destroyer of images, especially those set up for religious veneration. In English, the word iconoclast was originally used in reference to these Byzantine iconoclasts. During the Protestant Reformation, however, images in churches were again felt to be idolatrous and were once more banned and destroyed, and the word iconoclast came to be used of the Protestant opponents of graven images, too.

To be called an iconoclast today is usually kind of cool — they're rugged individualists, bold thinkers who don't give a hoot what tradition calls for. But back in medieval Greece, the iconoclasts had a more thuggish reputation. Adjective attacking or ignoring cherished beliefs and long-held traditions, etc., as being based on error, superstition, or lack of creativity: an iconoclastic architect whose buildings are like monumental sculptures. Breaking or destroying images, especially those set up for religious veneration.

At Iconoclast, we see conventional wisdom as a liability. We know from experience that the ideas that yield the most impact are rarely accepted readily. And so we see our ventures through ourselves. Since we’re more concerned with impact than industry, our work spans sectors—from agriculture to healthcare to politics. Guided by a spirit of creative destruction, we take on work that defies reason, upends industries, and ushers in new eras.
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One who attacks traditional or popular instutitions: an anti-establishment person. Also someone who destroys or defaces religious images or objects.
In the 1960s, a whole generation of iconoclasts transformed American society in ways never imagined by her Founders.
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an unconventionaleccentric, who marches to the beat of a different drummer.
Brain: 'And I am the Iconoclast, an unconventional eccentric, who marches to the beat of a different drummer.... But you may call me Noodle Noggin.'
by Brigadere General Franklin P. Pussycock III April 10, 2004
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Revolutionary, gives freedom to the people. To do away with societies leaders and inflated ego's. Destroyer of the worlds icons and false beliefs. Originally known for destroying things that followed a belief or system (icons).Both feared and hunted by government.
We need an inconoclast to free us from the restraints and expectation of society.
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Feb 1 trending

Iconoclast Films

  • 1. Watermelon Sugar
  • 2. Ghetto Spread
  • 3. Girls who eat carrots
  • 4. sorority squat
  • 5. Durk
  • 6. Momala
  • 7. knocking
  • 8. Dog shot
  • 9. sputnik
  • 10. guvy
  • 11. knockin'
  • 12. nuke the fridge
  • 13. obnoxion
  • 14. Eee-o eleven
  • 15. edward 40 hands
  • 16. heels up
  • 17. columbus
  • 18. ain't got
  • 19. UrbDic
  • 20. yak shaving
  • 21. Rush B Cyka Blyat
  • 22. Pimp Nails
  • 23. Backpedaling
  • 24. Anol
  • 25. got that
  • 26. by the way
  • 27. Wetter than an otter's pocket
  • 28. soy face
  • 29. TSIF
  • 30. georgia rose