Hresult Throw
A helper function that takes a HRESULT error code, and throws an exception using a C++/WinRT object (or a standard object) that represents that error code.
If the error code is E_OUTOFMEMORY, then std::bad_alloc is thrown. If the error code is a common HRESULT error code, then one of the specialized types derived from winrt::hresult_error is thrown. For example, E_INVALIDARG causes a winrt::hresult_invalid_argument to be thrown. Otherwise, winrt::hresult_error is thrown.
- Throw an exception only when an unexpected runtime error occurs, and handle everything else with error/result codes—directly, and close to the source of the failure. That way, when an exception is thrown, you know that the cause is either a bug in your code, or an exceptional error state in the system.
- Are you sure that the exception is not occurring in the call to pMapDoc.Open, because that method will throw STGEFILENOTFOUND if the MXD path is invalid? – Adam Armour Jun 3 '11 at 13:54 @Kirk: The MXD in question is currently pointing to client-side database instance, which to us developers is not accessible.
The class described in this article just makes it easy to throw an exception every time a failure is returned from another function. This way you can do only what you have to do in the code and unify error handling.
Hresult Thrown
C++ Throw Hresult
An HRESULT code that represents the error that was encountered.
Hresult Throwing
Minimum supported SDK: Windows SDK version 10.0.17134.0 (Windows 10, version 1803)
Namespace: winrt
Header %WindowsSdkDir%Include<WindowsTargetPlatformVersion>cppwinrtwinrtbase.h (included by default)